The Fully-Featured CS:GO Config Editor!

Create your perfect Jump Bind in seconds

    All from our Drag-and-Drop Editor
    Launch the Editor
      AutocompleteAll 135 commands are at your finger tips.
      AI PoweredGPT-3.5 generates what you're looking for.
      Edit CFGsBYOC - Bring Your Own Config.
      PresetsBuild with the best binds.
      TemplatesChoose from our CFG library.
      Save LocallyGet your CFG to the browser in one click.
    Play Like the ProsTake inspiration from your favourite pro player’s settings.
    view the entire config collection
    Get Started with a TemplateNo need to start from scratch - we have a whole library of supercharged autoexec templates.
      Default SettingsSettings as Gaben intended.
      ProCS:GO Settings for the elite.
      Caster / ObserverCast like a MACHINE.
    or take a pick from some of our gamemode templates.
      Free for AllPractise makes perfect.
      DemolitionJust right.
      Nade PractiseGet your lineups just right.